Customiz endnote citation style in word
Customiz endnote citation style in word

  • OneSearchFinds books and other materials in the UH Manoa Library's collection.
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    Research GuidesGuides for subjects, select courses, and general information.JournalsSearch journals by title or subject.Online DatabasesSearch across 100s of library databases.CollectionsAn overview of the various library collections.Loanable Technolog圜ables, adaptors, audio and video equipment, and other devices.Other ServicesApply for a research carrel or reserve our lactation room.

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    Suggest a PurchaseSuggest new materials that support teaching, study, or research.Library InstructionRequest library instruction for your course or register for a workshop.Services for Faculty and InstructorsA list of services offered to faculty and instructors at the University of Hawaii at Manoa.Course ReservesHow to access course-related materials reserved by faculty for their students.

    customiz endnote citation style in word

  • Study SpacesAreas for individual and group study and how to reserve them.
  • Borrow, Renew, RequestHow to borrow materials, request pdf scans, and interlibrary loans.

  • Customiz endnote citation style in word