Pubg steam download free
Pubg steam download free

pubg steam download free

To download the PUBG Mobile emulator, connect to the official website of Tencent and press on the item to download. Video Card : NVIDIA GeForce 8600/9600GT, ATI/AMD Radeon HD2600/3600.processor : Intel / AMD 1,8 GHz dual core.

pubg steam download free

  • Operating System : Windows 10, 8.1, 8 or 7.
  • In this case, the required resources are much lower than the basic version of the game, since we are talking about the same title found on mobile phones and tablets. It is also available for Pcs thanks to the official emulator Developed directly by Tencent Games: the latter allows you to play PUBG Mobile with mouse and keyboard, but only against other players using the same input method. In case you really don't want to pay money to play PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds on PC, you can consider free version designed for mobile devices. Once the download is complete, to play PUBG, all you have to do is press the item PLAY. For all the details of the case, I invite you to consult my guide on how Steam works.įrom the screen in question you can also stop and resume the download by pressing the buttons respectively break y resume. Perfect, now you will receive a confirmation email and you just have to press link contained in it to enable your account. However, in the event that you do not have an account, press the item CREATE A NEW ACCOUNTenter the email el email address confirmation el Country of residence and security text check the box I accept and declare to be at least 13 years old and click Following. After that, press successively siguiente, siguiente, install y final to complete the installation For more details, I invite you to consult my tutorial on how download steam.Īt this point, wait for the installation program to complete the Steam download, enter the direction of e-mail and password associated with your account and press the item LOG IN. exe and click on the button yes to allow the necessary permissions to continue. Once the download is complete, start the file Steam Setup. To continue, therefore, connected to the official Steam site and click on the green button first Install Steam (top right) and then on the item INSTALL STEAM.

    Pubg steam download free